AudioLabs News - 14.12.1999

From:        AudioLabs
Date:        Tue, 14 Dec 1999 17:07:46 +0100
Subject:     News

Press Release

DATE:     14-Dec-99
TOPIC:    NL-editing system for Amiga, Flyer and Draco

AmigaOS goes back to Hollywood!

EMRL ( is handling the production of the first
AudioLabs ( commercial shot on film, focusing
on the ProStationAudio software for AmigaOS.

Stills from the set are online at:

The location was Chapman University audio studio, in Los Angeles.
The 30 second commercial was shot in color using an Arriflex SR16 
camera, with Kodak Vision film. The script deals with a studio
recording session, involving a cellist playing in the recording
room, while a sound engineer works on ProStationAudio for AmigaOS
in the control room.

The film footage will be digitally captured for post-prodution
on an Amiga-based NewTek Flyer system. Audio post-production
will be performed with ProStationAudio itself.

EMRL is pioneering hi-quality film-based productions for Internet
distribution. Their film-based commercials are shot with care for
classic aspects of production such as lighting and exposure, and
also take into account Internet related details like video
compression and motion artifacts reduction.

To celebrate the last ProStationAudio release of this millennium,
AudioLabs is offering, until December 27th, 1999, the fresh new
ProStationAudio 2.50 at a special discount price.

When ordering before the deadline, you can get ProStationAudio 2.50
for US$299 instead of US$395.

ProStationAudio 2.50 is the ultimate solution for digital audio on
AmigaOS. It integrates with existing technologies and pushes them
forward: from native Studio16 files support to NewTek Flyer audio
clips import/export, from Draco binary compatibility to AHI-compatible
support for almost every card on the market, from Elite/SoundStage
EDL import to dual-CPU/dual-monitor operating modes.

Starting January, AudioLabs will expand the ProStationAudio family
of products with the hi-end ProStationAudio Millennium. The new
application, among other features, doubles editing power by
supporting 32 audio channels in the timeline.

ProStationAudio 2.50: Technical Specifications

- sampling system:         16bit linear
- sampling rates:          48/44.1/32 KHz
- processing resolution:   from 24bit to 64bit
- audio tracks (disk):     16
- audio tracks (console):  16
- automation tracks:       80: 5 automated controllers x 16 tracks
- DSP channel inserts:     48 stereo: 96 channels processed
- DSP master inserts:      3 stereo (post-fader)
- automated faders:        16
- automated pans:          16
- automated inserts:       48
- faders groups:           8
- time metrics:            24, 25, 29.97, 30, 75, 100 FPS
- time resolution (audio): 1/100th frame
- time resolution (automation):  1/10th second
- objects per track:       unlimited
- audio regions:           unlimited
- audio sub-region levels: unlimited
- maximum editing size:    120 minutes
- locator markers:         10
- range store/recall slots:10
- display snapshot slots:  10
- display resolution:      up to 1600 x 1280 per monitor
- video monitors:          1 or 2 (4.000.000 pixel GUI)
- CPUs supported:          1 (680x0) or 2 (680x0 + PowerPC60x)
- CPU models:              68040, 68060, PowerPC 603, PowerPC 604
- Realime effects:         ALPS, software plugins system
- EQ (parametric, 1 band):  [2.5Hz : 20000Hz] [-+12dB]
                          [0.05 : 1.00 Q] [1/12th octave steps]
- EQ (parametric, 2 bands): [2.5Hz : 20000Hz] [-+12dB]
                          [0.05 : 1.00 Q]  [1/12th octave steps]
- EQ (shelf, 2 bands):      [2.5Hz : 20000Hz] [-+12dB]
                          [0.05 : 1.00 Slope] [1/12th octave steps]
- EQ (band / notch):        [2.5Hz : 20000Hz] 
                          [1/12th octave steps]
- EQ (lowpass / hipass):    [2.5Hz : 20000Hz] 
                          [1/12th octave steps]
- Audio import:           MPEG Layer1/2/3, AIFF, WAVE, CDDA Intel and
                          Motorola, FlyerClips, Studio16, MAUD, Maestro,
                          SoundDesignerI, IFF, Sun/Next, Voc
- Audio export:           AIFF, WAVE, CDDA Intel and Motorola,
                          FlyerClips, Studio16,MAUD,
                          Maestro,IFF,Sun/Next, Voc

ProStationAudio 2.50: New Features.

- PSA-AHI transdriver.
                    2.50 supports two families of audio drivers for
                    maximizing compatibility and flexibility. Beside
                    the orginal AudioLabs drivers you can now use any
                    AHI driver for realtime operations.

- Batch Import.    
                    Select a directory and let ProStationAudio import
                    all the audio files, unattended. Great for handling
                    large MP3 collections or building effects libraries
                    on removable media for audio/video production.

- Tone generation.  
                    Generate pure tones in the 5Hz:24000Hz range. 64bit
                    accuracy. Applications: test signals, striping of
                    masters with sync tones.

- Sweep generation. 
                    Generate tones that sweep continuously from/to any
                    frequency in the 5Hz:24000Hz range. 64bit accuracy.
                    Applications: testing of listening rooms and devices'
                    frequency response, special effects.

- DTFM generation.  
                    Generate DTFM (phone dialing) tones. Phone number
                    requester with full control on pause, tone and break

- EDL import.       
                    ProStationAudio now can import Edit Lists. Create a
                    script with a text editor and let ProStationAudio
                    build the whole project for you, automatically. New
                    ProStationAudio edit list format.

- EDL plugins.      
                    EDL plugins allow to import EDLs from other systems.
                    ProStationAudio comes standard with plugins for the
                    Producer EDLs (Elite/SoundStage) and the Studio16
                    EDLs (AD516/AD1012).

- EDL overlay.      
                    Import multiple EDLs to merge different multitrack

- Nudging.          
                    Nudging with variable step (numerical entry, range
                    size or object size). Move audio objects accuratly
                    using keyboard shortcuts.

- Extended MP3 support.
                    Extended MP3 support including now Wave mpegs and
                    a gain requester for the decoder.

ProStationAudio (tm), ALPS (tm) and AutoMotion (tm) are trademarks of
AudioLabs ( 
